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What PHP version are you using?

Started by keiron, Aug 21, 2022, 12:34 AM

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What PHP version are you using?

PHP 5.4
0 (0%)
PHP 5.6
0 (0%)
PHP 7.1
0 (0%)
PHP 7.4
3 (42.9%)
PHP 8.1
4 (57.1%)

Total Members Voted: 7

keironTopic starter

Hello there! May I know which PHP version you use for developing websites? Initially, we began our new project with version 7.1 but later, with the introduction of version 7.4, we switched to it and continued our development process.


When it comes to computer development, I made the switch to PHP7 quite some time back to observe potential issues in my code (mainly due to the stricter data typing which resulted in problems with number comparisons and such). However, for production purposes, we have only integrated features that are required, such as the default integration of fts5 in sqlite3.

In terms of benefits, PHP7 is considerably faster than its predecessor and provides the advantage of stronger typing for development purposes. Additionally, it facilitates optimized work with objects, along with the use of traits. It's important to keep in mind that utilizing outdated versions of PHP in new projects is rather imprudent, as they will eventually become obsolete.

As a web developer, keeping up-to-date with the latest releases and updates in web development technologies can prove to be extremely beneficial. By doing so, you can ensure that your websites and applications remain secure, updated, and efficient.


Because now you can use different PHP versions on the same server, I do that.
Older projects (for example seomastering_com) use PHP 5.6.
And on the current project DNray - PHP 8.1 version


We started with version 7.1. Then update 7.4 came out and we took advantage of it. As far as I know, it is still relevant. But, they did not dare to switch to 8.0, although there are a lot of interesting things there, only JIT and FFI are worth something.


There was a version 7.4. Now at almost all - 8.1.
It is possible that some of the old scripts and plugins may not work, but I do not have those.

And in general, there used to be 4xx.


PHP 5.3 has been obsolete for quite some time now, and PHP 7+ has become the standard in today's web development industry. It is widely supported by hosting providers looking to remain competitive and relevant in the market. Although the fifth branch of PHP is still receiving support, hosting providers generally offer versions 5.4 or 5.6 instead of 5.3.

Most modern web hosting platforms now offer users the ability to independently switch between PHP versions without having to contact support and wait for a resolution. This provides developers with greater flexibility and convenience when it comes to choosing the right PHP version for their projects.

The latest release, PHP 8, has garnered significant interest due to its increased performance capabilities. Hosting providers are racing to adopt this version, as it consumes less power, delays scaling, and accommodates more customers on a single server.

As web development continues to evolve, it's crucial for developers to stay abreast of the latest technology trends. By adopting newer versions of programming languages and other software solutions, developers can optimize their performance and stay ahead of their competitors.


I have self-written websites, I started writing under php 7.1, moved to a new hosting, installed php 8 and problems with incompatibility of some functions began. I had to rewrite under php 8. But I don't mind the time spent, the difference is huge. Productivity has increased by 2 times, checks have decreased, so there is less coding, the syntax is more logical. I've already forgotten php 7 forever and my sites are flying))

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